Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Are you Interested, or Committed?

It’s been a looooong time since my last post. Who knew blogging could be so hard to find time to do? Instead of catching up on every detail of the last couple of months, here is my quick recap:
The first Christmas without my father-in-law was weird. I was sick with a stomach flu so I didn’t have much time to really dwell on it. I guess that is a good thing. Ayden got a full week of opening presents since I was sick and our plans got all turned upside down. I think he enjoyed it and it was probably less overwhelming then if he had gotten to open everything at once. Santa spoiled him!! Never the less, the holiday passed and we made it through. Harley made it through. That was most important.
We found a home for Sequoya with a family that seems perfect for her. They have sent us pictures so we can see how she is doing in her new home. She seems happy. They are a military family with 2 daughters. The husband used to train shepherds when he was on the police force. He is now in Iraq. I pray every night for his safe return. It is weird without her around. It is calmer. I miss her like crazy, but I honestly believe that we made the right decision for all parties involved. Oakley has seemed a little lost without her. We are making sure he gets spoiled more than ever in absence.
New Year’s Eve was perfect. Harley and I had a great time staying in the city and going to the ZBB concert. We drank, ate out, ordered room service and watched a movie in the hotel room. We were us! It was great and what we needed to “burn 2011”- our motto for our mini vacation. I say we succeeded!!!
That brings us to current day.
For Christmas, I get Harley a membership to a local CrossFit gym (or box as the Xfitting community likes to call them). He has embraced CF and been happier then I have seen him in a long time. After much discussion, I decided that I would give it a go.
And so begins my journey and probably the direction my blog will go.
I am excited and I am scared. Each new day brings on another challenge both physically and mentally. But somehow, after only 1 workout, I knew this is what I have been missing from my life. I knew that this was the program, the community, that I needed to make the changes in my life that I have needed to make. I knew this after only 1 workout and today I am getting ready for workout number 5.
I am proud of myself for stepping outside of my comfort zone and walking in to the gym. I am proud of myself for going back even though I am, by far, the most out of shape person there and the soreness in my muscles was like no soreness I have ever had from a workout . . . EVER!!! I am proud of myself for not making up excuses and not letting intensity and negativity hold me back. I have been down that road too many times. That is my crutch. Excuses are my security.
Not. This. Time.
This time I am taking the road less traveled.
This time I am not letting excuses be my crutch.
This time, I am not just interested, I am committed.
"There is a difference between interest and commitment. When you are interested in doing something, you do it only when circumstance permits. When you are committed to something, you accept no excuses, only results" – Unknown (to me and Google!!)
I propose a toast . . . To being more than interested. To being committed. To no excuses. Only results!